Jeff Teasdale-Designs on Art
Education & Workshops

Drawing Workshops
Painting Workshops
Sculpture Workshops

Gallery of work


Contact me for more information

‘Rock Mount’
114 Prestbury Road
Macclesfield Cheshire
SK10 3BN
Tel : 01625 420765



Art, and its associated designing activities, has been with us for tens of thousands of years, present in every culture and in every corner of our planet where human beings have lived.

Jeff Teasdale is an artist-in-education whose own work moves between drawing, painting, ceramics and sculpture, and who believes passionately that everyone has creative skills (no matter what their past experiences might have been to suggest the opposite!), and each has the right to explore and develop this creativity to its full potential.

"With an honours degree in Fine Art (Newcastle-upon-Tyne) and over 30 years experience in art, design and technology education, I am a provider of challenging workshops which explore these themes at all levels, including the pre-school, primary, secondary, special, further, higher and adult sectors of education.

As a practising artist whose work involves sculpture, raku ceramics, drawing and painting, I have a thorough – but continually expanding understanding of the creative process. I believe it is the right of all people of every age & background to be able to experience art and design with its associated activities, to enable them to realise their own creative potential."

Jeff is also a Senior Moderator, Presenter, and Coursework Adviser for GCSE Art and Design with AQA (the Assessment and Qualifications Alliance).

For more information contact

"The capacity for creativity is present in every human being."

Jacob Bronowski reminded us in ‘The Ascent of Man’ that while animals have left behind remains of what they looked like, human beings leave behind remains of what they have created; their ideas, aspirations, visions of their potential, interests and passions, and their skills at combining materials from the ‘natural world’ to create their own ‘made world’. The work of other artists, designers and crafts-people, whose unimaginably varied creative ideas and outcomes can provide endless starting points for our own work, is still a relatively underused resource in education.